AVCASA (Association of Veterinary and Crop Associations of South Africa), a Section 21 company not for gain, was established in 1958 to represent companies involved in the crop protection and animal health products industry in South Africa. During the years it changed identity several times in order to serve its members and agriculture in general even better. From the beginning of 2013, the structure has been as follows:

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As an Umbrella Association with a board of directors, AVCASA represents its two affiliate associations, namely:

SAAHA - South African Animal Health Association

CropLife SA

AVCASA promotes the interests of its members by:

Representing them at all levels – consulting and negotiating with government and non-government organisations, organised agriculture and the private sector.

Making representations regarding relevant legislation and registration procedures on their behalf.                

Providing guidelines for the classification, labelling, responsible handling and storage of products, occupational hazards and personal protection, as well as the disposal of waste and empty containers.

Presenting training courses in crop protection, animal health and aerial crop spraying, and granting accreditation to successful candidates.                

Promoting the Industry by issuing informative publications and posters, as well as sponsoring and participating in training, educational and community upliftment projects.                

Maintaining international liaison as well as sound media and public relations.

AVCASA serves the farmer by:

Providing guidelines for the safe storage and responsible use of crop protection and animal health products on the farm, stressing the personal protection of farmer and workers.                

Offering training programmes in responsible product handling and use.

Focusing on the needs of emerging farmers.


Disclaimer: Whilst AVCASA takes all responsible steps to ensure the accuracy of the information displayed, it accepts no responsibility for any omissions or errors which may be contained on this website.